miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

La inglesa historia de Alpargata Lopez

It was a dark night in the old city of New York when Alpargata Lopez woke up. She went to the windows and saw sometime awful, the Big Monkey of the Random Lake was sitting in the street eating all the flyers cabbages. Alpargata Lopez call him and said “Gran Mono del Lago al Azar! Alejate de mis brocolis voladores, estan en peligro de extincion  y si te los comes todos no podre cosechar mas para vendérselos a los Ornitorincos del Lejano Oeste!”.  The Big Monkey of the Random Lake stayed sitting looking at Alpargata Lopez, he didn’t understand anything so he kept eating the flyers cabbages.  Alpargata Lopez had lived in Ney York only two weeks and she couldn’t catch the language. So she went out to the street and call his friend the little blackbird Fernando de los Valles Clandestinos de Mariposones Azules, he came quickly and with his powerful wings he knock out The Big Monkey of the Random Lake. Finalmente Alpargata Lopez lived happily ever after, except for the fact that she was living in a shoebox and that it was only a dream.

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